For inquires or to schedule a Demo of FlowTracker, please Request A Quote and select "Airflow Testing"

- NADCAP M&I Mass Airflow Measurement
- AS9100 RevD
- 10,000 Gallons of Air
- Primary and Backup Dry Air Systems
- 1500 sq. ft. devoted to performing airflow tests
- Streamlined receiving and processing area
- 4 Dedicated Flow Technicians
- 4 Dedicated Flow Rigs covering 0.00013 lbm/sec to 2.5 lbm/sec
- Both Automated and Engineer QC'd
- Standard 5 Day turnaround, 3 and 1 day Expedite available
- Lazer Etching Available
Turbine Component/Part Flow Service with NADCAP Measurement and Inspection Accreditation - Certification 19236205002
Flow your parts with CCDI's NADCAP Cert for M&I Airflow Testing - Do you have only a few parts to flow or is your company paying too much for your airflow machine calibrations and service? Owning and maintaining an airflow machine can be expensive. Depending on your volume and staff, it may be best to leave this service to the airflow experts, no quantity is too small or large. With several air flow machines available with ranges of 0.00013 lbm/sec to 1.5 lbm/sec, CCDI provides 24/7/365 Airflow measurement service for any size turbine engine blade, vanes (nozzles), shrouds, manifolds, combustors and vane segments. After completion of your NDA, send us your airflow specifications, test fixture and we'll flow them for you. If you do not have a fixture to test, we will build the fixture to your specification in a short period of time. We provide a cost-efficient flow service with CCDI maintained and LAB calibrated equipment. Our 10,000 Gallon Air Tank Farm can supply clean dry air to parts that are nearly impossible to flow in a regular shop. All flow tests are completed in a climate controlled room. Results are QC'd programmatically and by an Engineer before they are posted to CCDI's FLOWTRACKER client portal for your immediate view/download.
CCDI's new FlowTracker system provides in house Flow service for our customers with built in real time reporting AND a Quality Control System to verify your parts are flowed precisely each time. Set up custom alerts and notifications to be instantly notified by email or text message when parts are received, QC'd and shipped back to you. The level of services are our standard 5 Business Days, 3 Business Days (Expedite) or 1 Day Rush with Saturday flow service available by request.
CCDI designs, builds and services the Airflow machines, Test fixtures and now is an accredited NADCAP supplier for Airflow Testing (NADCAP Measurement & Inspection Certificate). Additional lazer etching is available upon request. Dust your hands off and send the parts to us for an all inclusive flow service!
Request a Demo of FlowTracker by using the Request for Quote form and select "Airflow Testing"

644 and Air Receivers Ready for your Flow Testing

Super Flow Lab Calibrated Sonic Nozzle Mother Rig

High Flow Lab Calibrated Sonic Nozzle Flow Machine

Effective Flow Area (EFA) Machine

MAX - Auto Flow Station! Maximizing Airflow Machines for 24/7/365 operation, doesn't take sick days...